Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Run Until I Get Sick" My Ass!

Practice today was some kind of bullshit stunt pulled by our instructors. We practiced in the gym because we couldn't get the auditorium. Girls were constantly getting yelled at for timing issues, not doing the right work, or whatever reason PJ came up with. I don't know if he noticed, but to amplify any type of sound in a gym causes an echo. Therefore, girls in the back can't hear shiznit. I really feel bad for them, considering that Milenz had the nerve to tell us to take laps around gym until she got sick. We have no respect for her, under the fact that she tells us not to be lazy, as she sits down. (preferably with a bagel or some type of food in her mouth.) Previous to practice beginning, the girls found a volleyball and played around with the nice net. It was so fun! :D Hrmm..but I think the hours before that are what make up the highlight of my day. :] I hung out with Jacob the whole afternoon, sitting in the staircase, hoping no one would pass by. The track team was down the hall the whole time, so I got paranoid. haha goood day =D