Monday, October 5, 2009

In A Long Time

We got Pooja's new marimba today! :D and with that came a HUMOUNGUS BOX! It reminded me of the second day of school when me and Roland journeyed inside the other boxes, resulting in a huge gash in my elbow. I joked around with him about how we were going to relive that adventure. Well, we wound up finding much interest in the plastic air-pillows that incased the new intrument. Roland put them to great use! ahah Third period, I also found something out. The ex has asked for me not to stay so close to him while she's around. To be honest, I have no problems with her and I respect her as a person. For her to say that bothered me a bit because she has no right to suggest that. Oh well. After practice, I was immediately picked up by my parents and we went back home to pick up my brother and grandparents. We all went to Kohl's and did some shopping. At first, I kind of wished to go home and sleep, but it progressed. My sister and her boyfriend met up with us there, and then we went off to dinner at Uno's. Love it there! A couple of us watched the game, while my dad got buzzed on a few beers. It was a somewhat good night. We never really hung out like that in a long time- the entire family.