Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Forever Captured In Photo

I still get to enjoy waking up at 11AM, even though practice is starting up again. Today I woke up around then and really didn't do much..I stayed home and just chilled out watching TV and eating. I tried to redye my hair, but that kind of failed. The color only got a little darker, but it was all the same. A package came around 1:30 PM and I kind of missed it. I was too busy on the computer with headphones on, until my brother threw somthing at me to answer the door. I rushed outside, picking up the UPS sticker on our door to catch the delivery man to reclaim the package. It was from the Philippines and I asked my mom about it. She said it was pictures from her father's funeral. I got the courage to open up the package [she asked me to] and I asked my brother if he wanted to view them with me. We sat on the couch and looked at the first picture. Immediately, feelings of compassion and sadness flooded me as I saw my Lolo laying in his coffin. The inch that produced tears was the image of my mother in mourning, forever captured in photo. It hurts me so much inside to know that. We looked through photos and we would occasionally crack jokes, pointing out little parts of the photos to keep our spirits a little bit higher, above the water.

Around 3:30PM I was dropped off to the high school where I found Greg chilling out, watching the band practice. We both went inside the school to meet up with Jaelynn, Shannon, and Regina, who were sewing up ripped flag silks. I helped them until we had to leave again from our own practice. Tonight's practice was okaym except I know I wasn't up to par. I was tossing to the side and whatnot, just out of it. Everyone has their days, anyway. After practice, I came home and ate my life away with muffins, bread, and cereal. It was bad. Then, my sister, her boyfriend, and I went to Barnes & Noble, so I could purchase the 4th book of Cirque Du Freak! :D I had finished the 3rd earlier today, and was anxious to continue! I also purchased a sketchbook with a beautiful Japanese wave print on the spiral hard covers! I've wanted it for so long! I'm very happy :)