Monday, March 22, 2010

Moderation & Stability

I feel like good days come in moderation. Sometimes you can't just live a straight life of perfection and happiness. To have up you must have your downs. In a select few cases, the lower the low means the higher the high. There is something about finding resolve with you in our arguements that makes me fall in love with you all over again and then some. This is why I tend to say we are stronger than before , after an arguement. The moderation in these past dew days was good. I long experienced the greatness of my Respected friendships, and today I explored the greatness of our love. I love spending my afternoons with you.. You make me feel so whole for a few 2 or 3 hours.. Whrn I go home afterwards, there is a feeling of satisfaction , but not the same wholeness. Then again, the sound of your voice resonating in my ears through the phone brings me the closest I can ever get to you so late in the day.. So how about that week nirvana? Lets start again. This time we can go for two weeks and on :) photo will be of broccoli. I made dinner for the first time tonight with the help of my moma.. I feel proud. Were getting alomg better these days. :)