Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We'll Be In The Green Soon

I'm not going to let little arguments ruin us. I'm not. The weather was really nice today, but a bit hotter than I favor. Today made me realize that we are heading towards the end of this year so quickly, it's kind of too fast. Finals are in about a week and I haven't even started my final exam reviews. I have a leadership seminar to attend and I am just screwed. I will tell myself over and over that I can do this and I can. I've dealt with the end of the year for a good 9 years so why should I stop now? Ahh "The trick is to keep on breathing" because I know that once summer rolls around and we are in the safe green-zone, everything will be good and running smooth. Photo is of the walk home. Every time I turn onto Newark Ave. by Claara Mass, I can't help but admire the way the shadows of the trees pattern and trail down the sidewalk. It so beautiful in person. It reminds me of those perfect summer days. :)