Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nah-shuh-nahlls, baby!

So I really can't believe that I got through today's rehearsal. 9AM-5PM is a pretty long time period! It's such a good feeling to know that your whole band is in a good spot for Nationals tomorrow. :D I want to dominate, and simply do the best we can give to an entire stadium. I think something that pulled me through today was the lovely hour 45 minutes from 12PM-12:45PM of being with you for lunch. Going to 7-11 for lunch is something I have never done, so you're my first. LOL. This is great haha. You're slurpee still looked like poop, btw. The taquito on the other hand, not so bad.. my domo cup was pretty amazing, if I may add :D