Friday, December 25, 2009

Greatest Gift Delivered Tonight

Merry Merry Christmas.. a lot of you should be lucky for the way you spend you holidays. Mine are low-key and I've come to accept that, but I do always wish for more.. I wish for family gatherings and big social scenes, but we can't always get what we want, huh? The entire day was fine until my greatest gift of all was delivered tonight: an arguement with my mother. Good god, those get pretty intense. Over some dishes, really? She kept riding up my butt about it even thoguht I said "Okay". My temper rose and hyperventilation kicked in. She wouldnt stop yelling. I ran to the room to cool off, and she opens the door 10 seconds later and continues to yell at me. Really now? Atleast let me breathe. Photo's of cookies [snowballs] I finished off making for my sister that caused the arguement.