Sunday, February 28, 2010

Equivalent To It's Tomorrow?

So... I believe I just finished baking 9 dozen cookies, half of which are chocolate chip, while the other half is of double chocolate chunk. Sounds tasty, huh? Typically, I stop eating by 8:30 everyday, but baking tonight made me go against that standard -_-' I needed to taste some to make sure! As far as I'm concerned them shet be goood! :3 I feel redeemed from the last bake sale I actually tried to bake something..we won't discuss that here, though. Amongst tonight, I also realized that no day will be as great as the one before or equivalent to it's tomorrow. This revelation can play out to be something positive or negative. More or less, a individual person's level of optimism determines that part. In scenario one, you have a bad day. The worst thing you could possibly imagine happens- the nightmare you want to wake up from. Tomorrow won't be as bad, that is something you can count on. It is impossible for the same day to repeat itself twice in a lifetime. Scenario 2 accounts for the individual greed for happiness we each posses. The best thing you could possibly ever imagined has happened today. You are on Cloud 9 and definitely don't want to leave. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but tomorrow won't be as epic. Happiness in tomorrow is only today's after-effect and that spuratic feeling of excitement is no longer present. As much as we can shut our eyes tight and wish, the same day isn't happening twice. This is all life in action. Sorry if I confused you. :] Photo's of sushi I had today with the brah. Nom :D

Saturday, February 27, 2010


So I basically spent my Saturday with just my parents. It's not something I have come to argue. Because in fact, it is something I am so used to. This morning I woke up and immediately got ready. While I was still sleeping, I subconsciously heard my papa tell me to get up because we are going to the mall, costco, and wherever. I was like a robot when I got up. I ended up being the first one ready to go, hah. It was a good day with just them. As much as we argue on a daily basis, I still find enjoyable days with them. I saw something amazing between them right before we got to the mall. They got into this arguement about how my father's co-workers shouldve couldve done this and that. My mom is the kind of person who will stand her ground to the end on what she says. My father tried to say that his men just make mistakes so it was nothing. Still, she argues how much at fault they were. They argued and argued all the way to the parking lot.. I thought our "good day" was officially over. Then, it went silent. I assumed they weren't going to talk for the rest of the day. My pa throws in a corny joke about the way my ma talks sometimes. They were laughing. I was shocked at first, but was soon amazed by the unconditional love. One stupid arguement won't even ruin their day. I want that very much. Photo's of the big jug of wine Papa bought at Costco.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Charcoal Trials

Hrmm.. Today we got our snow day. I think everyone can agree in fact that snow days can be much more boring than a regular day. It's different from a vacation because typically, you are captivated by the snow all around you and part or you just doesn't feel like doing anything. That is exactly of what my day consisted of.. Nuffin. After yesterday's escapade, I really didn't feel like putting my suffered feet into motion. Oh, well I did go to Barnes & Noble tonight! I'm moving on to experiment with a new medium, lately: charcoal. It's so unorganized when I begin because I never get the formal lesson of how to use the medium. I use all the experimental elements. Its something I like to call trial and error. With a paper and charcoal, I see what works. Currently, my knack for perfection in proportion and shading is not up to par. Im not so much worried about it yet. Photo to be uploaded is of my father when he was 13. Second trial piece.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why Can't I Wake Up?

Oh god how I wish this afternoon hadn't happened. It was one of those nightmares where one of the worst scenarios takes place,but then you wake up and everything is okay. Unfortunately, I didn't wake up and everything wasnt okay. In fact i couldnt even close my eyes and dream any of it away. I was too busy fighting hypothermia. Today was a half-day and we got out of school due to the inclimate weather. I've always loved snow, but after today my feelings for it have decreased. So like any typical afternoon, I snuck over his house to chill. The maid was still home so I snuck through the side door. Based on all the snow while walking, he took off his pants because they were wet. I personally didn't mind or care but it would play against us soon enough. I can't change cus i dont have other pants. We didn't even do anything..we chilled on the couch with the laptop and watched TV. Then a shadow passed by the window and its his mom. Panic floods all over and i run to the near closet. I shouldve closed that door all the way. I shouldve ran to the dark corner and crouched in a ball to blend in with the darkness. Not thinking straight, i left a crack in the door open. I didnt think she would come down. Long behold, I hear footsteps coming down. I breathed a little thinking it was safe. Then, i hear a second voice and its not his alone. Suspicion is like a pot of water beginning to reach boiling point. I wanted to close the dor shut, I wanted to run into the corner. Failure tells me its already too late. If I move, I draw Attention to myself via sound. I clutch onto the remote and phone and take a breath. The door opens and my heart drops below the ground. We share a glance and she steps back, dumbfounded. Scolding in spanish needed no translation. She assumes I was snuck in and he's not wearing pants and the wrong idea is put together. We still file out a lie. I am just a friend. I am hiding because i am afriad to be seen since Im the only girl around. He still tries to convince her about the pants which is true. God, she told me not to be scared, but the feeling is inevitable! Especially from a situation like that from my POV. We eventually come kind of grounds and she goes upstairs. We sit back down on the couch, but I am like a mindless dog- staring at nothing. He told me to relax, that shes chill. I shake my head in disagreement. She makes plaintains and ribs which we feast on. i wouldve been more polite directly complimenting her on her cooking, but I was unable. He told me to go home. The suspicion was way too high. I just wanted to end this nightmare and left. His mom suggested to wait here for my ride, but I didn't want to be in this dream anymore. I thanked her for the food and declined the offer- I'm taking the bus. I made my way out and the snow fell moderately. Half-way up the block, I was already covered in snow. My mind was just as blank as it had been an hour ago. The cold was getting to me and I wanted to wake up. At every crosswalk there was a huge puddle I couldn't avoid. Half-way up the block, I was shivering and my feet were soaked and wet. That made it worse. My feet were going numb and I had a long way to go. Every now and then, I had to brush off the snow accumilating on my entire body. Frequently, my eyes shifted to every white lawn of untouched snow. My feet were cold and my mind was tired. I wanted to drop over to the side and literally fal asleep and close my eyes, letting the snow overtake my whole body..falling asleep into a better dream and out of this nightmare. But I couldn't. I had to get home and live up to the lie I told my mother. I pushed my body and numb, slippery feet until I got to the bus stop. I eventually made it. Waiting, I pulled out a wet dollar and 35 cents. I almosy wanted to cry in disbelief, but I was still mindless. The bus came and I took it to Claara Maass. The ride gave me a couple minutes to warm back up, but I would soon have to face the weather again. When I got off the bus, the wet, cold sensation in my feet came rushing back, but not in complete surprise. Just at the end of my block, I felt like falling over again, forgetting about the world. I made it home though. It was only 3:00PM, earliest I've ever been. It was a half-day too! I came home to find both of my siblings home. I couldve been picked up to avoid the snow, but still didn't regret the death journey. Call me stupid and ridiculous, but I like walking If I'm emotional. Maybe the snow was just more specific of how bad of a day I was trying to walk off. The emotions slightly died down by the end of the day, but it doesn't change fact of how it happened. I never woke up from the dream. I will stick to my words and quote my self. "No relationship is perfect. The beauty of a relationship is getting through anything and everything together." Through shitty times and amazing days, I wouldn't want to go through them with anyone else other than you. Photo to be uploaded is of my disgusting feet after the walk.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Everyday, Actually

I can easily use the phrase "Of all days" , but I technically mean every day. Of all days, I wish I could've been with you today. Affection came a little late today, about 15 minutes before I had to run practice. Part of me just wanted to be like "Fack this, let's get out of here!" I didn't want to stray away from your tight grip, but I had to run today's practice with Jaelynn. I ended it early because it's just too pointless to stay until 5:30PM, not really doing anything. Only a few girls were there. I don't know..I just keep thinking back on today and keep wishing I had spent it with you..if it doesn't snow tomorrow, I'm praying I get the chance to do so. Photo's of Rey being a bum :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What Shame? None

So we walked the way with Joe and Francis, and I fell on my ass. -_-' Thank god they didn't see, but the Dominican eventually helped me up. We joked around the whole way: he tried to push me into puddles and I would run ahead. It was warned that the ground was slippery. The slush was already seeping through my boots. I guess I really should've seen it coming, but oh well haha.. We quickly made our way back to his house [as "quick" as we really could be].. and I was lent some dry clothes. Jacob and Francis began to play Halo and COD as me and Joe went on FB. It was actually fun taking my shots at video games, though I was failing. The Dominican's mama came home around 4:33PM, MUCH earlier than usual. @.@ Thank god we were with other people! It was a good day to prove that we can still hang out with others and have somewhat a good time. Then, his father came home. I won't deny that I freaked out when his parents came home because I was naturally nervous.. With all that nerve, I tried to get my ride home. Neither of my siblings were available and I was more mad at my brother. I asked him ahead of time for a ride and he said okay. I call him an hour later and he's still at work. That aggrivated me and my last resort was calling my parents. I can't stand the fact that they don't understand this relationship I'm in...or the rest of the world and how it's changed. Not every guy wants to get in your pants. What "shame" am I supposed to have in hanging out with my best friend, my love? He's not just a boyfriend. This isn't the 80's. I drew tonight to relieve some stress. The drawing's crap. sorry.

That Sick Feeling

Hrmm.. today took a while to come around full circle. It's never a decent feeling to go to sleep without hear the voice of the person you love. I haven't talked to you since 6:00PM, yesterday. Today during school, you wouldn't even keep eye contact with me.. it hurt so much. Before first period, I was already prepared to leave the building. By 8:50AM I had this sick feeling in my stomach dreading to see your face. At lunch, you wouldn't even look at me. I held back my hardest from tearing up during the day. Finally we got to your house and we laid down. Things still weren't right. I broke down in your arm, tears drenching your white v-neck. We finally discussed what went wrong. Eventually, resolve was found and once and I was smiling brightly as any day, maybe more. I can't bear not talking to you for even an hour. The idea of going without your voice or texts for a day was unbearable.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Paq You, HP!

So tonight's post will unfortunately be early. I'm on my father's computer because my laptop's motherboard is fried *and now a dedicated silence to my poor laptop* I have no idea what caused it, but I wouldn't argue a case saying how much it overheats. I was trying to watch a video of J.R. Celeski and then bam, my computer shuts off. I thought it was the battery, but that had no part in this. I tried to restart it, but the computer lights only stay on for 3 seconds. The screen stays black, and I am still sad. Today, I tried to play around with its mechanics, using some online help. There is honestly a sense of intrigue within me as I went about this. It was kind of exciting in a way to be touching around the huge green chip, wire ribbons, and such. Whadda geek, right? Well, for those non-believers out there *cough*Jacob*cough*, I took it apart and put it back together JUST FINE. In the end, my efforts made no difference and cleaning out the fan did nothing. My motherboard is facked up. I'm gonna try to get it checked out tomorrow..until then, I am doomed from being social. Fack HP. I want a Mac D:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Feeling Can Only Last So Long

My lips are dry and I lick them over in hopes for hydration. I finished Cirque 5 tonight, after dinner. God, don't you hate it when you're at the point where you're just about done reading for the night and then right at that point, the book gets amazing? It's a bitter-sweet feeling, it really is. My eyes said no, but my mind screamed, "KEEP FACKIN READING!" Long-behold, I am 4 chapters ahead and done with the book. This afternoon was good, until my dad lashed out the bitchiness right when we got home from the mall. I had some relief in shopping for hours with the madre, but a feeling can only last so long. Feelings of content only last until around 9:30 tonight. Photo's of this adorable rice bowl at East West that I wouldn't have minded purchasing.

Friday, February 19, 2010

And The Balloon Goes Pop!

'I could say I don't want to talk about today, but that's unfair. Hrmm..I can recall being so content during the day. I was honestly so excited to finally spend a day with you well-after a good week or so. It upset me at the end of the day, after I couldn't find you for a good while, that you broke the news to me. When I asked where you were, you stated that you were in the front, as if I was supposed to know! Then, on top of those feelings, my day's anticipations were crushed. It's not the first time that has happened, but what can we do? Anyways, I guess I'm at fault for us not going anywhere until an hour later of waiting in the front. I was still in this state of deflation, my anticipation popped with the needle of today's reality. I couldn't decide where to go because I always say we should go to Dunkin Donuts or Wendy's and so I don't know where else. I came to terms with the fact that we can't be like that for the short afternoon we have. I wasn't going to stand around with the group of people out in front; I wanted to be with you. Call me greedy, I don't care. We ended up roaming Walgreen's aimlessly and then settling down at Wendy's for a Oreo Twisted Frosty. We laughed and the situation got better. I was so glad to actually be with you. It took a while to jump back onto my feelings of content, but we somewhat got there. I lost it again slightly when we finally had to leave. I love you for waiting at the bus stop with me. I swear, I would've pushed you onto the bus to take you home with me. Instead, as the 74 bus approached, I ran to you and gave you a hug- to say good bye for the next three days. IS IT MONDAY YET? Photo's silly, video can be judged on your own.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Apologetic For The Silly Things

So the grandparents are now gone. I came home to find the cousins sitting in the kitchen for dinner. They have been around more often since the grandparents have been around. It was an interesting evening. We watched TV and laughed around. Around 6:30 my entire family went to the Newark airport to drop them off. It is sad yes, but I can only pray that they have a safe trip. Today jealousy didn't really, really get to me. I more or less accepted what happened and just asked if it did. I guess..mentioning any time is just annoying now, and I do apologize for that. I don't know what happened today..I think I ruined the mood with that because then on, I didn't feel so into it. I promise to stop. I trust you with all of my heart- I really do. Hrmm.. As for other topics, the scare we put ourselves in is not safe at all. I'm honestly just looking forward to tomorrow. It's Friday :D Photo's of Olga driving!!! She gave me a ride home- thanks Olga! LOL It's only her second time driving with her official license.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Ah, my plotting is almost complete..just a day or more left. :) Oh goodness, it is so nice finally being able to let others in on your world and get some outside comfort. It opens a new door in an already amazing friendship that extends into forever. To tell another person, you feel this great relief and finally have the opportunity to breathe. They give you feedback; they give their own opinions; per say, they support your mindset and understand. It's not like I was lying about it.. I just never got the chance to fully explain! :D Today was essentially perfect. Along with this relief, I still snuck in those so-anticipated-for kisses in our moments of privacy. Some will just never understand. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

1 Hour Photo, Open 24 Hours

Gah Don't look into tomorrow. Don't do it Gaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh- I have school en manana. I'm so glad I did my homework all over break, which was typically only one thing. I took my time and understood most of my chemistry :D As of today, I have come to temporarily dislike Walgreens! We went to the one on Washington Ave. because it was 24 Hrs. and we needed to get some photos developed. I figured since its always open that the photo center would be too. WRONG. After I got the receipt I find out it won't be done 'til tomorrow around 11AM. Ugh. 1 Hour Photo my butt! It made me sad, too because I could have taken a few more pictures tomorrow and got it all developed at once in one hour. Faaaaaack.

Monday, February 15, 2010

35% Are Wacking Off

Good god, chat roulette is quite the hilarious site, yet the greatest form of today's entertainment! I spent the afternoon at Ana's; it's honestly nice to relive some good laughs. Gah, it doesn't help reliving some familiar screams based on videos that pop up with an unsightly image at the end, though. I can never seem to get over those. I'm really getting used to taking the bus and I really don't mind it. I took the bus to the other side of town today and walked the rest of the distance; the walks don't bother me anymore :D Anyways, I'm pretty happy with how today turned out. I was so scared to make plans, but here I am bragging about a well-laughed afternoon. Chat roulette is very interesting! About 35% of all users are jerking off and you can become a 100% asshole! I swear, there is some kind of relief being able to do that! I would love to play it again, along with reliving another day like this :D Btw, I fixed Ana's Ring Of Death on her 360! [by accidentally knocking it over] bahahah Photo's of my long-lived friend, the pig-pillow. He's so soft. :3

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Is No Different, Really.

IM DONE WITH MY CHEM CHAPTER OUTLINE WOOO! -confetti falls- and well now.. Formspring has been getting interesting today. I've actually been getting some legit questions. I'm happy to get honest with these things. I want to change. This is just a long process. >__> I'm constantly sorry. Valentine's Day was okay.. first year with an actual someone to share it with. All I did was text him but it's okay. I got pissy because the brother came home late for plans to see a movie at 4:40 with me and Lolo. We were stuck in a parking lot and had to get a lter showing at another theatre. We get there and into the theatre.. the lights are already out. I'm sent to get seats when I can't see shet. We get seats and its kinda close. The douches behind us kick the chairs every now and then, esp. my Lolo's chair. I wanted to hook them in the face. Yay V-Day! lol Photo's a secret. :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

He's Like A Kid Again

And so we sang "Happy Birthday to youuuu!!" to him. My father turned 54 today. Daaaaang big number! Anyways, the entire morning, my Lola was cooking and my parents went out for groceries. I can recall, several times, my mom called to me as I slept on the couch to wake up and clean. I really didn't want to. I was actually sleeping nicely..not amazing, but better than usual. Finally, I came to, and got down to business. I kind of cleaned and eventually got the job done. Cousins came over and we all celebrated a lunch fiasco. My sister's boyfriend was here too.. the only non-Asian. haha It's so cute seeing my father seem like a kid again. I mean, he was celebrating a birthday with his parents and basically everyone he loves. The only thing missing was his favorite dessert - a Durian shake :D Photo's of celebration. I'm a fail photographer. I missed the candle blowout.

Friday, February 12, 2010

"This Is All I Need In A Day" began moody, carried on from yesterday. I honestly believe it's because I can even deal a day without seeing you. It becomes this illusion and I become mad and emotional. But for some reason, when I take a cab from Silver Lake to your house, I walk through your door, and you pull me in for a kiss, my whole entire world and my heart is okay again - well, better, at least. I pull away with my eyes closed, try to contain myself, and breathe out slowly. Texting does no justice for my heart. When I think back to it, I still feel like I have a bit of reason to back up my feelings. I felt weird for every little bit of those details. I won't blame it on my period; I won't say I'm hormonal. That never really happens. But as it turns out, I have found myself repeating the same line over and over again when I laid with you, "This is all I need in a day." Photo's of failed art from last night.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Hmm. I don't know what to put for today. I cleaned my guinea pigs' cage after like months and months of not doing it myself. [Ma always did it :P] I ate a lot. Boo. I'm totally failing to comprehend Chemistry and this whole new thing called Stoichiometry. It really isn't all that hard, but tonight my brain is very gassy. A wholee lotta brain farting goin on in herr'. I got bored today, and was inspired by my love for tattoo's and this one line from Canterbury Tales. This photo is the result. It kind of looks like it could be book cover-worthy, huh?

"Love Conquers All"

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Vacation Doesn't Always Sound So Sweet To Me

Snow days are amazing. It's so great to sleep in and wake up at 11:30AM. The only downside to that situation is waking up to your mother screaming at the TV while watching a game show. I plotted today :) I attempted to do a Chemistry outline, but the glories of YouTube did not allow me to do so. As great as vacations are, any day is only great if I get to see you. Vacations void that. This basically just means a whole week I won't be able to see you :( I don't know how I'm going to live. As soon as I finish this outline I plan on reading up on those books I've been so far from. :) Photo's of failed outine.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Naive Teen

In person, today was amazing. It's like we never have jazz band! haha.. my heart lifts up upon hearing this because it just means another day I can spend with the love of my life. We hung out and finished the movie from Friday. Then, we walked to Wendy's for some fooood! Unfortunately after that, we had to part ways. From then on to about an hour ago, there was this weird vibe in our texts that made me feel like you didn't care. As it may seem, texts do what we truly mean no justice at all. I can't stand just texting you anymore. It's not enough. I need to be with you in person for every second of the day. I'm addicted. Photo's of amazing, heart-shaped rice crispies that Ana made!! :D They were delicious :)

Monday, February 8, 2010


With every kind of hate I have within myself, I devote it all to writing. I don't like writing for the fact that I am such a procrastinator! I actually admire my writing, but I take forever and am very wordy. I've been working on the same, easy letter project since 7:00PM. It is now 12:30AM and I have "failure" written across my forehead with a permanent Sharpie. It's kind of ironic because they're not really permanent at all.. Today was a day full of anticipation, but worth it. Unfortunately, some set backs kicked in but we made the best of the time we had. I don't care. I love you regardless of anything. Valentine's Day is coming up soon...I never had a Valentine's Day to spend with anyone beyond elementary parties with the fold-up cards sealed with a heart sticker. This is new to me. I hope I can impress you with whatever I can come up with. :) Photo's of some film I've had for about a year or two. I really want to get them developed soon.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

SUPAH BOWL SUNDAY! I honestly didn't know that today was the big day. I eventually found out after church while eating lunch with a my cousins at a Viet restaurant. The best part about it was that when I found out, I was surprised just for a second, and then I didn't care anymore. Maybe I would be more into it, had I grown up attending these Super Bowl Parties. Well, anyways, I spent the majority of my day texting the love and just relaxing. I'm really trying to not eat as much, but I feel like that has been a fail for the past few weeks. Hopefully, I can find some reform in these upcoming days. I really wish I had a legit picture, but I think this is the best I can get. Lmfao, my guinea pig is evil.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Radda Radda :D

Jacob just toke over this blog once again muahahaha... today was an eh day.. we nearly broke our week of Nirvana.. today was feeling like crap my parents keep mentioning how i never look happy or im constantly looking miserable and they cant figure out why... but i realized its cuz u got me love sick.. like if i had a fever from it would be 930 because its the day this fever started.. im miserable when im home but im amazing when im with you <3 I need you more than you know :] Always and forever babe to infinity and beyond like i always say your the everything of my day and id would be quite empty without you :]

Friday, February 5, 2010


Today was good, for the most part. It was a half-day day and headed to the Dominican's house with the favorite black person. We ordered Chinese food and watched Teeth. It was a nice day until it got cut short. Thanks, Mama Jacob. I'm webcamming right now. He should talk more.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wakka-Wakka, Bakka-Bakka

I know that today wobbled a bit, almost tilting into a stupid argument here and there, but a kiss fixed all of that. School has been something I am so grateful for. For the fact that I get to see you a lot, I can get through the day. I'm done with arguments and stupid emotions, so whenever they're on the verge of arising, I will think back and hold myself. It's truly not worth it. I don't know what else to put for today other than..well so far we have gotten through two days. I am so excited for tomorrow because it is a half day pep-rally. After school, I plan on leaving with you, ordering some cheeseee wontoonnns [because you've never had any] and more Chinese food, be fat with you, and live in love. :3 Photo's of someone "not trying to pose", but I think otherwise. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Week's Nirvana

A week, a week, a weeeeeeeeeeeeek! We will make it!!! Our Nirvana will be everyday, not just Fridays. So today was...I wouldn't say amazing, but somewhere a little less from that. Goodness, I love love love being able to see you more often during the day. Once of my favorite points in the day is lunch. I meet up with you after my study and we stop by my locker. By the time I'm done, the hall is pretty empty and I get to grab your hand with mine and lace my fingers in between your own. And, if luck may have it, the hall stays empty and I kiss your cheek. Then, I walk a little bit in front of you to steal a few from your lips :) I feel so cynical for taking those risks in school, but I won't deny the fact that I love getting away with it all. After school, I think was the first time we actually really talked about problems and analyzing them in person. The great part is that it wasn't in an argumentative manner either. With every bit of sincerity in me, I would look into you eyes and express myself. We are both willing to make our relationship work. I wouldn't let stupid emotions or monotony bring us down. I once said, "I'm in only if you're in." You said yes. Therefore, we aren't going anywhere. <3

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"It's All About Imperfections"

I guess today was good. The school day itself was good, except a certain someone doesn't have the phone to text.. I feel like half my life is missing during the day when I can't sneak my phone out to see if I have any new texts! Hrmm..I'm kind of disliking jazz band right now..all I do is sit and play my part, and text. I mean, it's great, but I wish I was more involved. Because leave me alone to ponder and think, and you will get a sad Staph. She will think to hard into life and the fringe at the piano will irritate her more. I'm getting over it..I'm just not there yet. I tried to nap away stupid emotions, but I ended up painting. I can't argue it, though. It's all I know to do.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Traumatized Childhood

New semester started today. I can't believe I see you more often that usual, it's great. I was starving all day until period 10 lunch.. You noticed the burn marks on my face that I was hoping you wouldn't. You're too good, my friend -.-' Hrmm.. I came home and my aunt and cousin were over for dinner with the grandparents and whatnot by the time I came home.. I actually had fun with her tonight. We looked up videos to see if Lady Gaga was really a man, and I ended up falling for a pop-up video and running my ass over to the couch and digging my head into my sister's shoulder like a pansy. I went to Target tonight to got some new concealer and foundation. I have concluded that it is very hard to determine the right skin tone. I still don't know what I am, but I tried to pick the shade that suited me best.. it's not too bad. Photo's of Zune HD 32GB that my cousin reaally wants.. we designed it and everything :D It makes me resent getting an iPod lol.