Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Starting Out Unfortunate

My god..I have a Terrible headache..pusling in the back of my head. Today was the first day in a while where I actually practices with the girls and it's been hell! It doesn't help that I couldn't even breathe today. After this mornings time-strained adventure, running was something I'm done with for today.. I couldn't breathe well during all my classes, taking deep breaths here and there. This morning started out unfortunate. I woke up and decided to get ready right away. The plan was to catch the morning bus to the hjs and get breakfast with him. I didn't relalize it was raining til you called. I was so fucking pissed at myself. I get way too into the excitement for my own good. This week is has been no good to me at all. I want it to be over with already.
Drop me off at the mall alone and let me sulk; let me indulge in clothing galore. Photo to be posted is of first good watercolor painting I ever did from this morning since I didn't bother to go back to sleep I couldn't.