Thursday, March 11, 2010


I am finally seeing some kind of light in this life. I have come to the crossroads where truth about myself is revealed, and have taken the turn to better myself for the people around me. Formspring has reawakened lately, with a lot of truth. The ex actually wants to be friends and one of my best friends finally opened up to me how she feels. I really want change. I used to be a good person, but I let it slip. I want to regain that "innocence" and so I strive. The people I have come to know in my life are great people, so why should I give anything less in return? Today, I kept my heart up in the air. Good feelings were mostly kept around and I like that. I don't know.. I need to keep myself in that "aura" if I want to progress. Photo will be of Sean and his stuffed rack. Second is of my chocolate box haha.