Saturday, July 10, 2010

Relaxing & Surrounded By Ice Cream

Oh, it felt so good to sleep through the night. For the past two days I was out and about, walking up and down a mountain and all around the city. I took today to just chill out and relax. I slept in until around 1PM and took my shower to clean off yesterday's chlorine. I decided to stay in for the day. Later in the afternoon around 6:30PM I got dropped off at Applegate Farm to keep Roland company through his 6PM-11PM shift. I found myself "people watching" as this one little boy made a mess of his vanilla cone - it was the cutest. These two little girls were picking out their flavors and they seemed a little controlling. These group of girls were having their night out. Roland and I didn't get to talk much because of customers ofcourse, but I didn't mind it in the least. Watching him work really got me thinking of work myself. I need to find a job this winter, and I've been really looking recently. I've been tired from the past few days that I just needed to have a chill night. So here I am back home still laid back and even a little tired from yesterday still.Photo is of Sprinkles - the amazing creepy cow.