Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hike Up A Mountain, Why Don't You?

From what I remember, that day was decent. Me, my sister, her boyfriend, and Kim went to Mountain Creek. I believe that everyone should go there at least once every summer, just for the sake of it. It;s one of the best water parks, in my opinion. Anyways, as much as I felt guilty for not attending church that Sunday, I skipped it for a water park. We left early morning and got some breakfast at Dunkin Donuts, later realizing we could not find the discount coupons for Mt. Creek that we picked up weeks ago. That pushed us about an hour behind schedule, as we began Dunkin Donuts hopping to look for the same vouchers. Unfortunately after stopping at each of like the billion lacations in town, we could not find them. It really was pointless because it was only a $5 discount. Oh well..

Ugh, the DD hopping was a bad idea. It falls on top of the fact that we unknowingly chose the hottest day to go. We ended up getting there by noon only to find that the initial parking lot was way full, and we would have to go park at another one, costing us an extra three bucks. To our luck, the extra parking was down a nice, steep hill that we would have to climb back up. [fml] The line to pay admission was insanely long!

We finally get in and I'm seeing these guys with dirt bikes taking the ski lift. I looked at them and thought, "wow..I wish I could do that." I took a second llook at them and thought again, "Damn, nevermind I wouldn't wanna wear all that

clothing on a day like this!" I really don't know how they do it! there were wearing like the long sleeves, gloves, the pants, the shoes, the helmet.. on the hottest day ever, too! They crazy fools. lol

The day at the park was okay its just that the lines were insanely long! If anything we should have gone on a rainy day. Kind of like the day I went to 6 Flags when it started pouring. That was by far by favorite day this summer! There were so few people, and it was a great, different experience! lol Oh, and tell me how it took 2 hours of waiting in line to get food during lunch AND to find seats! so ridiculous lol.

Oh. I failed on the Tarzan swings, but you don't need to know about that. =P