Sunday, May 9, 2010

Momma Day

Bleh I have that sour, vomit taste in my mouth right now! I have no idea why. Anyways, today I missed my optician appointment. We purposely went to church at 10:30AM to get to the mall by noon. Yeah, we got there at 12:22AM, and the guy was such a douche! He was like, "You missed your appointment. The doctor left." His tone of voice had such an attitude to it. I wanted to punch him in the face! Well, we ate at the food court and then came back home. Even though it's Mother's Day, we didn't do anything too crazy. We got home and I began to read my ass off. Sparknotes definitely helps in a time like this because last night I left off on page 70 and the books ends at page 235. I finished by like 8:30PM! :D I felt so proud. Then, I decided to watch the movie which was a bad idea. Like most book-based movies, the details were skewed and made me get confused with what really happened. Anyways, I would just like to say Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and motherly figures! I wish my bond with my mother was more of the friendly type, but you can't argue with what you have. I love you, Mama! ♥ Photo is of me in the Sears bathroom waiting for Mama to finish. I think this is gonna become my default on Facebook