Thursday, October 1, 2009

Not In The Mood

Day 2 didn't trail off as gorgeously as yesterday did. I was waiting for the the whole day to pass so I could see you, but around period 6 Lunch, I discovered that you weren't up to par. She found out and became very, very pissed off. I was actually having a decent day, but to find out that you're upset makes me feel similarly. The end of school finally came around and I found out she was crying a lot. >.> It made me feel bad, but when we met up in the band room, my whole day lit up again. I was with you and that was one of the only things that mattered. Still to this day, texting you brings me such good feelings inside that I can almost tell that you feel too. [other than the fact that you've told me XD] It always ends my nights nicely, and allows me to sleep good. :) Oh, LOL according to the picture, we fit Jaelynn into one of the top lockers in the band room :D